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Click Arrows above 

for Upcoming Info


In-person & online worship

8:30AM & 11AM

In the Sanctuary*​

and 11AM on YouTube


Sunday School for all ages at 9:45AM


Nursery Care is provided for

ages 3yrs and under



Mon, Tues, & Thurs 10am-1pm

Wed 10am-3pm

Fri Closed

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640 S Lafayette St

South Lyon, MI 48178


We welcome, cherish, and celebrate that all persons are created in God’s image.  As a church we honor and worship God, while ministering to and embracing all ages, races, ethnicities, socioeconomic situations, marital status, gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, and religious backgrounds or any other label placed upon people.  We are united through Jesus Christ.  We aspire to be a place where all people, through the transforming power of God in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, come together - to care, to pray, and to love God and each other unconditionally.

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